Senior HCI Researcher at the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI). Currently investigating how Mixed Reality experiences could benefit mental health practitioners and patients. Additionally, designing tools and processes to integrate Mixed Reality tools into industrial contexts.
Former postdoctoral researcher in the Situated Computing and Interaction Lab of the University of Münster (WWU). During my postdoc, I investigated how technology could support remote and colocated creative processes in urban planning and architectural design. I designed and implemented GECCO, a prototypical tool to enable remote hand gesture communication across distances.
Former Early Stage Researcher in the DComm Project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. DComm was an interdisciplinary project which aimed to make significant progress in understanding deictic communication. In the DCOMM project, my research revolved around the topics of Natural Interaction, Remote Communication and Collaboration. For which, following a User-Centered design approach, I applied emergent technologies such as Augmented Reality and Electrical Muscle Stimulation to develop new methods for supporting human users to communicate effectively.