Welcome to the demo section of my research website. Here, you can see examples of the projects I've worked on during my academic career in human-computer interaction. These demos are designed to give you a sense of the type of research I am involved in and its potential real-world applications.

I invite you to explore the demos and learn more about my work. Each demo includes a brief description, screenshots, and in some cases, a related that allows you to explore the project in more depth. While these demos are not exhaustive representations of my research, they provide a snapshot of the projects I have been involved in.

Please keep in mind that the demos are ongoing research projects and are subject to change. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about my research, please feel free to contact me.

GECCO card

GECCO: Gesture-Enabled Remote Communication and Collaboration

Deictic card

Simulating Deictic Pointing Gestures across Distances Using Electro Muscle Stimulation


ARCADIA: A Gamified Mixed Reality System for Emotional Regulation and Self-Compassion